Fulham Food Blog
Hey! Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Jessica Chan, and not long ago I headed out into Fulham in search of the very best food on offer. After sampling several local restaurants, I didn’t leave disappointed (nor with an empty stomach)!

When I was asked to write a short blog entry for Discover Fulham about the experience, I couldn’t have responded ‘YES!’ any quicker. It was an amazing experience, and I just had to share it with my fellow foodies.

I’m originally from Brighton, a place where food culture is prominent. I’ve always loved going out and discovering hidden gems with amazing menus. That passion for food slowly turned into a passion for food blogging, and a few short years later here we are!

Right, let’s skip to the good bit. I was lucky enough to visit 3 different Fulham-based restaurants, each serving up some amazing food and hospitality. Without further ado, allow me to try and do them some justice!

Foxden, Fulham

We’re off to a flyer here! Foxden was an absolute treat from start to finish. A small, independent restaurant based in the heart of Fulham, these guys serve up some of the best burgers in town.

I tried the classic Foxden Burger, along with a side of pulled beef nuggets and a caramel chocolate tart to finish! I know, my mouth is watering too…

Foxden prides itself on local and ethically sourced ingredients. This, paired with some real kitchen wizardry, is what really takes their menu to the next level.

The staff are super friendly and attentive. I couldn’t recommend the restaurant more and it’s certainly on the to-do list for my next visit to Fulham.

Bodeans BBQ, Fulham
Bringing a taste of Kansas City BBQ straight to the heart of Fulham, the food on offer at Bodeans was unbelievably good.

The business has stood in the centre of Fulham for nearly 20 years and holds a surprising amount of meaning to locals - considering it specialises in slow-cooking meats!

Having spoken with staff, it’s clear to see how Bodeans has become part of the Fulham furniture. Some of those coming to the restaurant on dates in the early 2000s are still visiting today, instead as married couples with their little ones!

Foodwise, Bodeans was amazing. Ribs, wings, pulled pork, fries, and own-recipe BBQ sauce - you name it, it was on my plate! A true meat-lovers paradise, it’s clear to see why it’s a local favorite. Tender food, great service, and very well priced. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
Jaffa Bake House, Fulham

The hospitality at Jaffa Bake House was outstanding, with the front-of-house staff going above and beyond to make me feel welcome and comfortable.

Located midway down North End Road, Jaffa Bake House is one of the go-to spots for food and drink in Fulham. No matter what you’re in the mood for, chances are they specialise in it!

Did you know that Jaffa Bake House is a local hotspot for hungry Chelsea first team players? I stuck around for a while hoping to see Ziyech and Rudiger (regularly spotted in Jaffa), but it wasn’t to be.

I got fully stuck into my pizza, meaning I didn’t have any room for the wide range of cakes, pastries, sandwiches or coffees also on offer. Safe to say my eyes were bigger than my belly! Think I’ll have to save the cakes for next time…

So, there you go. Thank you for joining me on my whistle stop tour of Fulham’s incredible food outlets. 3 restaurants, 3 amazing dining experiences. Fulham really does have an incredible and diverse food culture, and my next visit can’t come soon enough!

Fancy exploring Fulham’s very best restaurants yourself? Take a look at the long list of amazing local restaurants and their menus by clicking the button below.