Discover Fulham Business Awards 2024
in partnership with Huddle Fulham and the Fulham Centre

Local Businesses Celebrated at the Discover Fulham Business Awards 2024

At a glittering ceremony hosted by Discover Fulham at the Mercure & Ibis Earls Court, over 100 guests including Her Worshipful The Mayor of Hammersmith and Fulham, Councillor Patricia Quigley, celebrated the winners of the Discover Fulham Business Awards 2024.

During a month-long campaign to recognise business excellence in the Fulham Broadway BID area, businesses were invited to nominate their business across ten categories to show support for the town centre and to acknowledge the vibrant and diverse business community.

The event was also used to raise awareness and over £600 for local charity Dads House, who run a foodbank, provide legal support and social support for single fathers, their children and families.

The category winners of Discover Fulham Business Awards 2024 are as follows:

New Business of the Year, jointly sponsored by Huddle Fulham and The Fulham Centre.

Dr Dropin

Best Customer Service, sponsored by West London Chambers of Commerce.

Mercure & Ibis, London Earls Court

Best Social Media, sponsored by McDonalds.

Skip the Filter

Best Professional Service, sponsored by Holiday Inn Express.

Woodfords Solicitors

Best Retail Business, sponsored by Lodge Security.

Aristone Opticians

Responsible Workplace, jointly sponsored by Huddle Fulham and The Fulham Centre.


Fitness Business of the Year, sponsored by Holiday Inn Express.

David Lloyd

Wellbeing Business of the Year, sponsored by McDonalds.

My Healthcare Clinic

Hospitality Business of the Year, sponsored by West London Chambers of Commerce.

Artisan Coffee

Employee of the Year, sponsored by Lodge Security.

Kamila, Holland and Barrett

Special Recognition Award.

Discover Fulham Street Wardens

Special Recognition Award.

Dads House

Commenting on the awards, Andy Bell, manager of Fulham Broadway BID said:

"We have a diverse business community in the Discover Fulham area, and in a time where trading is difficult for a number of businesses, it is great to celebrate those who stand-out in our community. I would like to say congratulations to all of our winners, and a huge thank-you to all of our sponsors for helping to make the night such a success.

Discover Fulham continues to work with businesses to make Fulham a better place to live, work and do business."
Thanks to our sponsors
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