We are working towards improving the environment we do business in to make it safe, sustainable and attractive. We want to create a space that people can enjoy while they visit, live, work and do business in Fulham. We collaborate with Hammersmith and Fulham Council, BID Members and other partners to improve our communal areas, implement environmental schemes and making our streets safer.
Improving Our Communal Areas
Clean, vibrant streets are key for attracting visitors to Fulham and for the wellbeing of people working in our town. We run initiatives such as deep cleaning streets and putting up festive decorations to improve the area we do business in and attract more people to the area.
Environmental Schemes
Our environment is bigger than the streets we do business in. That's why we work with a number of partners to help decrease pollution and reduce Fulham's impact on the environment. We are always looking for ways we can reduce the environmental impact of our area, schemes so far have included partnerships with First Mile, a recycling company and a partnership with Hammersmith BID to bring Parcels Not Pollution to Fulham.
Making Our Streets Safer
We work with the local council and law enforcement to increase the safety and security of our area to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour.
We have partnered with the recycling company First Mile to promote recycling in our area and help save BID members money on disposing of their waste the green way!
Parcels Not Pollution
Parcels not pollution comes to Fulham! The scheme uses electric cargo bikes for parcel deliveries to reduce pollution and congestion in our area.
Christmas Tree Decorations
We brought a little Christmas cheer to our streets this year with a festive tree and an event to turn on the lights at Jerdan Place.
Cleaning Our Streets
In partnership with ABM Cleaning and Chelsea FC we commissioned a cleanse of Fulham 'grot spots', focusing on removing chewing gum and grime from our streets.
Get In Touch!
If you have any questions, ideas or would like to know how you can get involved get in contact with our BID Manager Scott Rankin. He will be happy to help.